UGA Student Chapter of Habitat Is Homecoming Parade Winner
This past Friday, the 14th, we participated in the UGA Homecoming Parade alongside our affiliate student chapter at UGA- and WON the float contest! Doug Carver, our Director of Construction, headed the construction of our beautiful float. Doug spends his days working with our 3 German exchange workers who are working with us for the whole year while they are here through the International Youth Christian Exchange.
The theme of the float was ‘Home Is Where The Arch Is’ complete with the famous hedges, bell tower, and of course the arch itself with house framings in between to represent our partnership with UGA. Once the idea was presented to Doug, he was able to bring it to life with his construction skills and help from different types of volunteers.
Together, Doug, the Germans, students from UGA, a future homeowner, and community volunteers built our float that we feel embodies the spirit of the work Habitat and UGA are committed to doing for the Athens community.
We are so proud of the quality of work our team produced! And clearly so is the community- due to public demand, we have decided to auction off the bell tower and the arch! Ring the bell from home, or walk under (or around) the arch whenever you’d like and know that all proceeds will be going to further our mission right here in Athens! The hedges can be found replanted at our Magnolia St. neighborhood. Watch our Facebook page for updates on the auction to come sometime this week.