This is an archived page for a previous annual fund drive. To donate to Athens Area Habitat, go to
We do this together, because it is the only way it can be done.
If just one thousand people in a city give $80 each, a brand new 3-bedroom house can be built for a family, or 4 apartments can be renovated for individuals who would otherwise have no home. Together with you and other donors, Athens Area Habitat for Humanity has built nearly 90 houses and is working toward its 50th rental unit renovation— but we can do more.
And with your help, we will do more.
Last year’s Committee, together with the US Green Building Council of Georgia, spearheaded the construction of highly efficient “kinda tiny” homes. This year’s Committee will work with Lydia’s Place to complete Lydia’s Homeplace, a pre-paid off-campus housing unit for local college students coming from homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless.
And don’t forget, each $80 minimum contribution includes a ticket to our annual gala, made possible by our local sponsors! Your donation is your invitation. If you have any questions, just give us a call at 706-715-6727.
Thank you!