Athens Area Habitat for Humanity Celebrates World Habitat Day
World Habitat Day is a day to recognize the basic need for adequate shelter in a world where it is lacking for so many – a day for grassroots action throughout the world, starting in our community.
This year, World Habitat Day is Monday, October 1. By advocating for universal decent housing, we seek to alter the systems that reinforce poverty housing and to make affordable housing a reality for all.
Around the worls, 1.6 billion people llive in substandard housing. If not serious action were taken, the number of slum dwellers worldwide would increase over the next 30 years to nearly 2 billion.
With the proper tools, low-income families prove to be successful homeowners, benefiting themselves, their children and the communities in which they live.
Join the Athens Area Habitat for Humanity by visiting out ReStore, located at 532 Barber Street, just across the train tracks, for a 25% off sale on October 1, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.